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World Book Day April 23

World Book Day April 23

Did you know today is World Book Day? World Book Day is celebrated annually on April 23 and originally created by UNESCO to promote reading and publishing. It's a great day to celebrate the love of reading and the glorious written word!

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Alluxia’s Top 5 Summer Holiday Reads

Alluxia’s Top 5 Summer Holiday Reads

The best way to enjoy the magical time between Christmas and New Year is to lose yourself in a good book and let time stand still. With a long hot summer ahead, pack these books and enjoy the summer holidays and let the world around you slow down and take a breath.

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Best Bookstores in Australia

Best Bookstores in Australia

It seems every day there is a special day celebrating everything from International Vinyl Record Day (12 Aug) to International Coffee Day (29 Sept), but today is National Bookshop Day in Australia! It's a great opportunity to support local, independent bookstores and celebrate your love of books!

While we have some great bookstores here in Brisbane, we also love to seek out special bookstores when we're travelling. Here's some of our favourite Australian Bookstores in Brisbane and beyond:

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Top 5 Beach Reads

Top 5 Beach Reads

This summer, take some time to relax by the pool, in a hammock, or at the beach with these must-reads. What makes a good summer beach read? Turn-ability, that gripping, page turning plot and a book you just can't put down that has you recommending to friends before you've even finished the last page.

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Top 5 Winter Reads

Top 5 Winter Reads

Winter is the perfect time to curl up with a book fireside with a cup of tea. Holidays are the best time to indulge in the relaxing pastime of reading a great novel. Here’s our pick of the best reads this winter:

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Top 5 Summer Reads

Top 5 Summer Reads

Holidays are the best time to indulge in the relaxing pastime of reading a great novel. Here’s our pick of the best poolside and beach reads this summer holidays:

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