escape to luxury

Travel tips and destination insights from the luxury accommodation specialists -

Australia’s Best Beach?

Australia’s Best Beach?

Cossies Beach has been named Australia's best beach by Tourism Australia's Aquatic and Coastal Ambassador and 'beach expert' Brad Farmer for the 2017 list detailing the country's most stunning beaches.

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Offline is the new Luxury

Offline is the new Luxury

Is there any escape? As a society, we are overly dependent on social connectivity and the lines between work & life become increasingly blurred in the desire for work/life balance. Time spent "offline" is becoming all too scarce. While all this technology is intended to "connect" us, increasingly we're actually becoming disconnected by less personal interactions.

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Luxperience 2016

Luxperience 2016

Last month we attended Luxperience; an industry only event, for bespoke luxury and high-end experiential travel. If you follow our Instagram feed, you'd think it was all Champagne, canapés and fun in the harbour city and you'd be partly right, but there was a serious side to the event namely making meaningful connections.

We kickstarted the event with a Thought Leaders Forum held at The Star, which included an incredible keynote speech by James 'Cas' Castrisson. If you haven't heard his story, it's a wonderfully inspiring journey told by a modern day adventurer.

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Whitesbeach Guesthouse Review

Whitesbeach Guesthouse Review

We've joined forces with travel & lifestyle blogger Little Miss Melbourne for a girls' getaway road trip, to explore the Great Ocean Road and our first stop is just a short getaway from Melbourne - Torquay!

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What's New and Noteworthy on Alluxia

What's New and Noteworthy on Alluxia

Spring has finally sprung and we have a fantastic new collection of new & noteworthy additions to the alluxia collection to share with you! From glamping in Melbourne to exploring the Tasmanian wilderness you'll find these boutique hotels, holiday houses or cute as a button cottages are worthy of adding to your must-do list of travel destinations.


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Do it all, or nothing at all at Points South by the Sea

Do it all, or nothing at all at Points South by the Sea

There’s nothing quite like devouring a few well-chosen book on holidays, especially in an inspiring setting and curling up on the window seat overlooking the Great Ocean Road, might just be the perfect spot for a bit of drama or romance…

Choosing which books to take on holidays is a serious business, one that gives pleasure and angst in equal measure. Do you take the weighty tome you’ve started, or pack the iPad full of options? While electronic readers make sense when travelling, I still love curling up with a real book. Then having crammed the entire Miles Franklin literary award list into your luggage, I’ll buy the latest travel or a gossip magazine and spend the holiday happily reading the latest on Kimye and more often than not the books will return home unread.

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